Sunday, July 8, 2012

The ' was a disaster recovery and prevention. . And what it means for investors

Recovering from Katrina and Rita inaugurates a new era of Disaster Recovery and prevention. The Governments and people are rethinking their response to disasters and the steps to take to prevent or minimize the consequences worse. The greatest catalyst for this new era is the political fall-out from Katrina.

The slow response to Katrina was a black eye for the Bush administration '. For Michael Brown, the former head of FEMA ', was a national humiliation. The destinies of Louisiana Kathleen Blanco, Governor and Mayor of New Orleans Ray Nagin remains to be seen, but reports have indicated their failures in prevention and response, and that will come into play at the time of the election.

President Bush wants to compensate for the botched response (and restoring some political capital) and has granted recovery effort that can total $ 200 billion. The first response to Katrina became a cautionary tale for politicians and bureaucrats in Government Federal, State and local, and you can be assured that they will be pushing for more disaster prevention in their fiefs. And the media is the guard-California newspapers have been filled with stories of warning for the lack of disaster (earthquake) the preparation of the State.

The Corps of engineers of ' army, burned by the lack of follow-through for their recommendation to increase the levees of New Orleans, now is trying to repair the vulnerable areas across the country. And are not alone.

New homes have proliferated along vulnerable coastal areas. From Florida to the Outer Banks to The Hamptons and throughout the East Coast, coastal property values have soared. Dune road, a strip of land with houses priced between the ' Ocean and a Bay in Westhampton, New York, was virtually wiped out by floods a little more than a decade ago. Now it has been rebuilt with even more expensive multi-million dollar homes. You can be assured that these home owners will spend what it takes to protect their property.

That might need because it seems that the storms are great beer. If many are correct meterologists, we entered into a cycle of increased frequency and severity of hurricanes.

have proliferated along vulnerable coastal areas. From Florida to the Outer Banks to The Hamptons and throughout the East Coast, coastal property values have soared. Dune road, a strip of land with houses priced between the ' Ocean and a Bay in Westhampton, New York, was virtually wiped out by floods a little more than a decade ago. Now it has been rebuilt with even more expensive multi-million dollar homes. You can be assured that these home owners will spend what it takes to protect their property.

That might need because it seems that the storms are great beer. If many are correct meterologists, we entered into a cycle of increased frequency and severity of hurricanes.

Combine the measures planned for national security, rebuilding the Gulf Coast and the ramp-up of the prevention of disasters across the country and you have a near permanent disaster recovery and prevention.

For some companies, let's call them stocks of Hurricane, ' opportunity to participate in the recovery of the Gulf means much more than short-term business. For others, it may mean more business for many years to come.

Hurricane stock are companies that are needed at the moment. For example, the ' immediate need to help those whose homes were destroyed or are unhabitable. Think of companies that provide temporary life and survival kit. Think camping Coleman products, such as tents, sleeping bags, stoves, portable flashlights. Coleman is owned by Jarden Corporation (JAH: NYSE).

Prefabricated homes have come a long way in the last ten years, and will prove to be a good temporary solution for many and a permanent solution for others in the Gulf. Cavalier homes (AMEX: CAV) was commissioned to build houses and provide products for the Federal Emergency Management Agency home Gulf Coast residents displaced due to Hurricane Katrina '. The contract should generate $ 58 million to 63 million dollars of revenue for the company '.

Some other compnnies in this area include sample (NYSE: CHB), which collaborates with about 3,000 independent dealers, builders and developers, Fleetwood Enterprises (NYSE: FLE) and Coachmen Industries Inc. (NYSE: COA).

gravity° hurricanes.

Combine the measures planned for national security, rebuilding the Gulf Coast and the ramp-up of the prevention of disasters across the country and you have a near permanent disaster recovery and prevention.

For some companies, let's call them stocks of Hurricane, ' opportunity to participate in the recovery of the Gulf means much more than short-term business. For others, it may mean more business for many years to come.

Hurricane stock are companies that are needed at the moment. For example, the ' immediate need to help those whose homes were destroyed or are unhabitable. Think of companies that provide temporary life and survival kit. Think camping Coleman products, such as tents, sleeping bags, stoves, portable flashlights. Coleman is owned by Jarden Corporation (JAH: NYSE).

Prefabricated homes have come a long way in the last ten years, and will prove to be a good temporary solution for many and a permanent solution for others in the Gulf. Cavalier homes (AMEX: CAV) was commissioned to build houses and provide products for the Federal Emergency Management Agency home Gulf Coast residents displaced due to Hurricane Katrina '. The contract should generate $ 58 million to 63 million dollars of revenue for the company '.

Some other compnnies in this area include sample (NYSE: CHB), which collaborates with about 3,000 independent dealers, builders and developers, Fleetwood Enterprises (NYSE: FLE) and Coachmen Industries Inc. (NYSE: COA).

Oil and gas facilities along the Gulf Coast need disaster recovery too. The ' economy of the Gulf Coast and, to a certain extent, the ' economy of the United States depends on this. A number of rigs were damaged in the storms, which means that a company as ENSCO (NTSE: ESV) which has rigs in the area, will be in great demand. Oceaneering International (NYSE: OII), which inspects and subsea oilfield infrastructure repairs will be undertaken, as well as Jacobs Engineering (NYSE: JEC), providing engineering services and construction for the oil and gas companies.

Rebuilding the Gulf Coast

Rebuild will include the big dogs in construction, as Halliburton (NYSE: HAL), The Shaw Group (SGR) and Caterpillar (NYSE: CAT). But many smaller companies will participate, often as subcontractors. The Corps of engineers of ' army has increased its order of mission from $ 10 million to $ 20 for Aduddell, a subsidiary of Zenex International, Inc. (OTCBB: ZENX). National Storm Management (NLST: PK), a company expanding national construction company specialised in management of storm restoration will also make a good amount of restoration work in the Gulf Coast.

To build you need building materials. Retailers home as Home Depot and Lowe's will see their orders increase, but so will be companies which provide raw materials such as wood. Take a ' look to Rayonier (NYSE: RYN) and Plum Creek Timber (NYSE: PCL), two REITS that own and operate the properties of the wood.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

A donation drive makes a Big difference

Mother nature's fury, floods, hurricanes and earthquakes, have brought chaos to many people, and communities. As a result of these devastating events, homes and lives have been destroyed. Reconstruction of infrastructure and assets, requires a large amount of resources and capital. Federal and local financial support are much needed, but this aid is less than what is really necessary. Individual contributions are vital to fill these vast falls short. Beyond cash contributions, donation of a used vehicle can be of great benefit to the needs of these communities of desperate. A car donation is a process in which both donors and recipients benefit from the transaction.

Car donations are relatively easy, and are carried out through a charitable donation program of the vehicle. In general, a phone call is all that is necessary, in addition to a clear title to the car '. Many charities will be vehicles that are not running or running. The car donation program to organize the vehicle to be collected, conduct a sale at the charity auction, ' and distribute the proceeds to the charity of your choice. And ' important to have the following information before making the call:

-Name of the owner
-Address book
-Phone number of the owner-work and home
-E-mail address
Year, make and model of vehicle
-Execution of State?
-Address in which the vehicle is located.
-Approximate Mileage on vehicle

Your car donation is fully tax-deductible, provided that the charity is a registered 501 (c) 3 organization. A registered 501 (c) 3 organization is a non-profit organization permitted by IRS to accept contributions and offer donors a tax deduction for their gifts. Thanks to a new tax law in force since January 2005, the IRS has taken the ' conjecture to determine the value of your vehicle. You can deduct the full price that you receive from the sale of your car. This greatly simplifies the process, because you no longer need to research and arrive at an estimate of fair market value of the vehicle. This also eliminates the risk of ending up in trouble by overestimating the value of tax deductions on your tax return. You'll know exactly the amount ' that you can deduct, eliminating the guesswork, and saving of time and risk.

capacity building permitted by IRS to accept contributions and donors a tax deduction for their gifts. Thanks to a new tax law in force since January 2005, the IRS has taken the ' conjecture to determine the value of your vehicle. You can deduct the full price that you receive from the sale of your car. This greatly simplifies the process, because you no longer need to research and arrive at an estimate of fair market value of the vehicle. This also eliminates the risk of ending up in trouble by overestimating the value of tax deductions on your tax return. You'll know exactly the amount ' that you can deduct, eliminating the guesswork, and saving of time and risk.

A car donation will help provide humanitarian aid and assistance to the devastated areas, and communities. In addition, a donation drive will eliminate the hassles of selling a car, and return something to a community needs, at the same time. A car donation can and will make a difference.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Bulgarian property prices Triple between 2000-2005

L ' Sofia News Agency (26 Oct 2005) writes that house prices in regional centers of Bulgaria are increased 1.5 to 3 times in the last five years. This is obviously welcome news for all investors who bought the property in the Bulgarian market. It will also be reassuring for those considering a future real estate investment in the country.

High levels of growth are unprecedented in normal market situations and it is clear to see that the Bulgarian property market cannot in any way be described as normal " " at the moment. Typically, a property will double in value in the time period between 8 and 10 years. This takes into account both of the cycles of growth and decline in the total movement is a doubling of the ' property value.

For the Bulgarian real estate market to show signs of growth up to 200% in a period of 5 years only signals the growing confidence in the prospects of the country. The Bulgarian stock market has also tripled in the last two years awaiting imminent accession to the EU ' in 2007.

Bulgaria's Government has recently approved changes to the law on excise duties in order to increase the excise duty on alcohol and ' cigarettes. The amendments are in line with Community law, taxation and Bulgaria undertook to achieve the EU minimum excise duties on a step-by-step basis. In accordance with the ' entry to the euro (€) in 2009, Bulgaria has accelerated the pace of revision of excise duties. With a gesture promising, Finance Ministers of the EU have reported ' euro coins will feature the emblems of the State of Bulgaria since 2007.

In summary, a booming real estate market with strong international investment, a doubling of the value of the local stock market and the determination of both the Government and the EU Ministers for the country to meet the criteria of accession to the EU by ' the agreed date of 2007 all indicate a strong economic future for Bulgaria.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

New splendour of old Europe

As the leader of the ' the European Union meet in London to play on the budgets of the European Union and Anglo-Saxon ' compared to the French model, global investors have already voted and were richly rewarded.

Many American investors seem to have deleted the ' Europe as a characteristic low growth, low-return destination. This type of attitude caused them to miss some great opportunities. Let's take a look at some '.

L ' Ireland has always been seen as on the margins of Europe '. Its population of 4 million people (the United Kingdom is 15 times bigger) has always been seen as a rather ' laggard. In 1960, the citizens had to pay for secondary education ', and again in 1987, Irish gross domestic product was only 69% of the average of the Nations that eventually form the European Union '. The unemployment rate was 17%.

Suddenly, its economy has taken off. The average rates of growth of GDP in 1990 were 6.9%, and by 2003, the Irish ' of GDP was of 136% of EU average, with an unemployment rate of 4%. How can we explain this remarkable turnaround? As usual, is not due to an event, but rather to a confluence of policy and action times.

At the end of 1980, a great deal has been struck: work would moderate its demands, a freer trade was pursued and ' rates of corporation tax have been brought to zero for multinationals investing in Ireland. The ' statement has also been greatly improved for its relatively young population, particularly in the technology sector.

In a short time, the ' Ireland has become the low cost production base in Europe, and the money flowed in foreign direct investment was the key, and 1,100 multinational-many now in the field of high technology production ' and consolidated R & d in Ireland. More than 25% of American investments in Europe goes to Ireland and is the largest exporter. This, in turn, has led to a boom in exports. L ' stronger economy also sharply increased labour participation, especially among Irish women.

The resulting increase in Dublin as a booming city and an important financial center also led to a tourist boom with more than 6 million annual visitors. Instead of talented Irish workers to the United States for migration opportunities, were returning home en masse.

ecially in technological sectors.

In a short time, the ' Ireland has become the low cost production base in Europe, and the money flowed in foreign direct investment was the key, and 1,100 multinational-many now in the field of high technology production ' and consolidated R & d in Ireland. More than 25% of American investments in Europe goes to Ireland and is the largest exporter. This, in turn, has led to a boom in exports. L ' stronger economy also sharply increased labour participation, especially among Irish women.

The resulting increase in Dublin as a booming city and an important financial center also led to a tourist boom with more than 6 million annual visitors. Instead of talented Irish workers to the United States for migration opportunities, were returning home en masse.

You can see how every action turns off and helps build sustained growth and momentum. Every action has led to another in a virtuous circle, but the ' key ingredient for success was undoubtedly l ' influx of capital-capital from foreign direct investment, subsidies, EU exports, the strengthening of national capital markets and the migration. Good pro-market policies growth together with a considerable amount of capital can lead to economic miracles.

The challenge for the ' Ireland is now to maintain its competitiveness and momentum in the face of increased competition and higher costs than a potential real estate bubble. Dublin congestion, representing 33% of the population and 40% of GDP, is a bottleneck on growth.

no foreign direct investment was the key, and 1,100 multinational-many now in the field of high technology production ' and consolidated R & d in Ireland. More than 25% of American investments in Europe goes to Ireland and is the largest exporter. This, in turn, has led to a boom in exports. L ' stronger economy also sharply increased labour participation, especially among Irish women.

The resulting increase in Dublin as a booming city and an important financial center also led to a tourist boom with more than 6 million annual visitors. Instead of talented Irish workers to the United States for migration opportunities, were returning home en masse.

You can see how every action turns off and helps build sustained growth and momentum. Every action has led to another in a virtuous circle, but the ' key ingredient for success was undoubtedly l ' influx of capital-capital from foreign direct investment, subsidies, EU exports, the strengthening of national capital markets and the migration. Good pro-market policies growth together with a considerable amount of capital can lead to economic miracles.

The challenge for the ' Ireland is now to maintain its competitiveness and momentum in the face of increased competition and higher costs than a potential real estate bubble. Dublin congestion, representing 33% of the population and 40% of GDP, is a bottleneck on growth.

The new Ireland Fund is a closed-end fund that has done quite well. In the last ten years, has an annual average return of 13%, and in ' last year, was more than 35%. You exchange with a discount of 10% of its net asset value and is managed by the Banca d ' Ireland

So, let's take a quick look on ' this week's guest at the Summit, the United Kingdom, which has benefited from its opening to the world. London has grown over the last 20 years from 800,000 to nearly 7.5 million. There are 300 languages spoken in London, and the number of nationalities, approaching 100. The United Kingdom is one of only three European countries, along with Sweden and Ireland, who gave the workers of Europe ' of ' East free access to its labour market. Since last may, 175 thousand have accepted the invitation '. The iShares MSCI Italy Index ' is an increase of 12% over the last 12 months.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Bank Fraud In Asia

A sample of fraud experienced in Asia shows that many new (p) " " ar actually old fraud schemes with a twist. So, the good old application had, in combination with young founded engineering solutions, is called. Three caveats here discussed the direction left unchecked, outdated techniques, controlled account offers and packages.

Fraud rich person defined as unmanaged risk " ". The term " unmanaged " connotes the practical difficulties related to managing risk effectively hoax and dynamic. In recent years, while the number of advertised fraud-unauthorised use of credit cards and ATMs, checking the story putting-on, Nigerian scams, etc.-an increase, these cases simply formed the tip of the iceberg. Estimates that only 20% of fraud exposed and made public. The remaining fraud is undetected or discovered, but not made public because of reputational risk exposure.

Causes of past crises Asian Bank building are the lack of trust of depositors of perceived deterioration of well-deserved credit quality, unhealthy lending practices and lax recognition controls, uncontrolled diversification in modern business segments, overtrading, stadium and the mismanagement of responsibility. The framework for science and engineering for risk cassa di risparmio di person rich infection improved over time, mitigating these risks. The danger of pretender-a ' other crisis that the pond down a bank-money remains to predict and manage.

The inherent vulnerabilities of the financial and banking system to provide a channel for deceptive activities. Coupled with an accelerated pace of development and fiscal ' emphasis on achieving short-term returns, deposit fraud, financial institution destined to rise in Asia, as Hawthorn in the rest of the world ratings.Dupery play not only (p) review controls of stream (column 3), but also focusing on controls relating to the prevention and the capture of fiction. These assessments facilitate prospecting on the robustness of the controls, i.e., if the pond can be bypassed or ignored. Hoax evaluations could be further enhanced by a focus on fallacious schemes and/or scenarios.

To keep track of fortune and business areas, compulsory regular revaluation. A ' alternative is to ensure that every profession has three lines of Defense-the position of the movement, a secondary dominance (trading, finance, risk, or a combination of these), and peer inside. Bankers should know, however, that pseudo is not a proof technique for electric potential pseud adventure points inexhaustible.

or Asia, as Hawthorn in the rest of the world ratings.Dupery play not only (p) review controls stream (column 3), but also focusing on controls relating to the prevention and the capture of fiction. These assessments facilitate prospecting on the robustness of the controls, i.e., if the pond can be bypassed or ignored. Hoax evaluations could be further enhanced by a focus on fallacious schemes and/or scenarios.

To keep track of fortune and business areas, compulsory regular revaluation. A ' alternative is to ensure that every profession has three lines of Defense-the position of the movement, a secondary dominance (trading, finance, risk, or a combination of these), and peer inside. Bankers should know, however, that pseudo is not a proof technique for electric potential pseud adventure points inexhaustible.

Implicitly, an initiation cannot rise risks is never identified. Moreover, the risks that pass as role player mightiness intangible go unnoticed. The technology is an integral part of ancestry. It allows banks to proactively analyze 100% of the minutes, homing in on indicators. Humbug-spy on applied science, for example, is commonly applied in the field of quote. Mainly the rules-driven, intelligent system " " d ' analysis of behaviors of consumers purchase card recognition and deviations from the norm established filters on a real-time basis.

In addition to social movement-post applications, reviewers noted for giving employees assisted by computer inspecting tools for pore through the voluminous data for signs of unusual activity that power are indicative of activity. None of these solutions " " is the complete solution, and it would be wrong to try to manage and rise with a one-size-fits-all approach. At the end of the day, against the technical measures of simple simple, given their limitations. Ultimately, the best measure of defense against people remains.

While these fulfill onerous requirement of the customer, the same cannot be said of the ' industry. Name was and is still a dangerous job. Effective requires bankers and practitioners adopt a Parmalat: " and john ', is, and wants to happen in Asia " (6) mentality. After all, fraud is not peculiar to any jurisdiction or institutions and remain ever present challenge.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The dell ' uranium Bull Market Keeps More Bullish

China's demand for uranium ', global growth in demand for electricity to drive higher uranium price

Industry expert, says all new production already discounted in the price of uranium " we are consuming more uranium than we are producing worldwide ", said David Miller, the Wyoming legislature and recently appointed President of Strathmore Resources (TSX-V: STM; OTC: STHJF.PK). " all new production is already taken into account in the future market of uranium '. We are ' under water at this time without building a nuclear power. " nuclear reactor requirements far exceeded the current producing mines in the last two decades. Current world production is over 80 million pounds, but the demand for uranium, which feeds the nuclear reactors, is running an annual deficit of about 60 million pounds.

Electricity: supply and demand Problem of uranium

" we're not going to run out of uranium, but where will the price go to encourage the production of new? " asked David Miller. " there are approximately over $ 33/pound now. Could double again? It wouldn't surprise me at all. " Kevin Bambrough, research analyst for Sprott Asset Management, heart d ' agreement with Mr. Miller, saying " We just started a long time uranium bull market that will end in a ' mania ' ' uranium as services and prices of uranium to lead ' incredible as they compete to secure supplies ".

This engine requires more electricity. Over the past 25 years, the total energy consumption of the world expanded by nearly 50 percent, with higher growth in ' using electricity. Demand for electricity is increasing much more rapidly than overall energy use. The demand for electricity has been designed to grow 2.8 percent to ' year until 2010, and substantially more between then and the 2020. About 2 billion people currently lack access to electricity, and with the United Nations forecasts of growth of world population of 1.5 billion people in 2020, electricity demand will continue to grow.

As an interim solution to the problem of greenhouse gases and climate change, a growing number of countries are studying the ' nuclear power to solve their cargo to a growing demand for electricity. Currently, c ' is great how much electricity generated by nuclear power, as was provided from all sources worldwide in 1960. icity. Over the past 25 years, the total energy consumption of the world expanded by nearly 50 percent, with higher growth in ' using electricity. Demand for electricity is increasing much more rapidly than overall energy use. The demand for electricity has been designed to grow 2.8 percent to ' year until 2010, and substantially more between then and the 2020. About 2 billion people currently lack access to electricity, and with the United Nations forecasts of growth of world population of 1.5 billion people in 2020, electricity demand will continue to grow.

As an interim solution to the problem of greenhouse gases and climate change, a growing number of countries are studying the ' nuclear power to solve their cargo to a growing demand for electricity. Currently, c ' is great how much electricity generated by nuclear power, as was provided from all sources worldwide in 1960.

The ' nuclear energy produces more than 16 percent of worldwide electricity ', almost 24 per cent of OECD and 34 per cent of the needs of European Union ' of electricity. In an April 2005 speech to the National Conference on small business in Washington, President Bush announced, " L ' nuclear energy today provides about 20 percent of American electricity ', without the ' air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. The ' nuclear power is one of the safest, cleanest sources of power in the world, and we need more of here in America ".

Electricity demand is expected to impact other raw and not just the price of uranium '. In the annual Energy Outlook of ' Energy Information Agency of 2005, the electricity demand of the United States will lead to an increase in consumption of natural gas. By 2025, the sector of electricity will ' 31 per cent of the total demand of natural gas, as consumption increases from 5.0 trillion cubic feet in 2003-9400000000000 cubic meters in 2025.

The question of China may be higher than expected

Today, 441 nuclear reactors in 31 countries provide more than 16 percent of worldwide electricity '. In 2003, which was 2525 billion kilowatt hours. Eleven countries are building thirty more reactors, especially in China, but also in Russia, Japan and Korea. The International Agency ' ' Atomic Energy has designed at least 60 new plants will be built over the next 15 years. By 2020, l ' nuclear energy's share of electricity production will increase to 17 percent. wer generates over 16 per cent of world electricity ', almost 24 per cent of OECD and 34 per cent of the needs of European Union ' of electricity. In an April 2005 speech to the National Conference on small business in Washington, President Bush announced, " L ' nuclear energy today provides about 20 percent of American electricity ', without the ' air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. The ' nuclear power is one of the safest, cleanest sources of power in the world, and we need more of here in America ".

Electricity demand is expected to impact other raw and not just the price of uranium '. In the annual Energy Outlook of ' Energy Information Agency of 2005, the electricity demand of the United States will lead to an increase in consumption of natural gas. By 2025, the sector of electricity will ' 31 per cent of the total demand of natural gas, as consumption increases from 5.0 trillion cubic feet in 2003-9400000000000 cubic meters in 2025.

The question of China may be higher than expected

Today, 441 nuclear reactors in 31 countries provide more than 16 percent of worldwide electricity '. In 2003, which was 2525 billion kilowatt hours. Eleven countries are building thirty more reactors, especially in China, but also in Russia, Japan and Korea. The International Agency ' ' Atomic Energy has designed at least 60 new plants will be built over the next 15 years. By 2020, l ' nuclear energy's share of electricity production will increase to 17 percent.

" China is the future wild card ", said Miller. " their current uranium demand is lowercase. They have a small nuclear industry. May have three or four thousand megawatts of capacity. Their demand for uranium is about 4 or 5 million pounds at ' year. Meet internally and by their own deposits of uranium. But what they are planning for nuclear energy is probably the most aggressive program in the world. I visited China in 2003 to teach ISL (in-situ leaching) geology of the ' uranium ISL extraction techniques and a couple of institutes. At that time, there was talk of building two new nuclear power plants at ' year for the next 20 years ".

But, as Miller noted, which may have more ambitious plans. Added: " since then, I've heard of the most aggressive programs. An article I read recently was titled, Let 1000 Reactors Bloom. That is more than 200 percent of the nuclear reactors that now we have on Earth. I believe that is what the Chinese will do over the next 40-. 50 years, the conversion of almost 100 percent of their electricity generation by nuclear " currently, China is generating less than three percent of their electricity from nuclear energy. or pollution or greenhouse gas emissions. The ' nuclear power is one of the safest, cleanest sources of power in the world, and we need more of here in America ".

Electricity demand is expected to impact other raw and not just the price of uranium '. In the annual Energy Outlook of ' Energy Information Agency of 2005, the electricity demand of the United States will lead to an increase in consumption of natural gas. By 2025, the sector of electricity will ' 31 per cent of the total demand of natural gas, as consumption increases from 5.0 trillion cubic feet in 2003-9400000000000 cubic meters in 2025.

The question of China may be higher than expected

Today, 441 nuclear reactors in 31 countries provide more than 16 percent of worldwide electricity '. In 2003, which was 2525 billion kilowatt hours. Eleven countries are building thirty more reactors, especially in China, but also in Russia, Japan and Korea. The International Agency ' ' Atomic Energy has designed at least 60 new plants will be built over the next 15 years. By 2020, l ' nuclear energy's share of electricity production will increase to 17 percent.

" China is the future wild card ", said Miller. " their current uranium demand is lowercase. They have a small nuclear industry. May have three or four thousand megawatts of capacity. Their demand for uranium is about 4 or 5 million pounds at ' year. Meet internally and by their own deposits of uranium. But what they are planning for nuclear energy is probably the most aggressive program in the world. I visited China in 2003 to teach ISL (in-situ leaching) geology of the ' uranium ISL extraction techniques and a couple of institutes. At that time, there was talk of building two new nuclear power plants at ' year for the next 20 years ".

But, as Miller noted, which may have more ambitious plans. Added: " since then, I've heard of the most aggressive programs. An article I read recently was titled, Let 1000 Reactors Bloom. That is more than 200 percent of the nuclear reactors that now we have on Earth. I believe that is what the Chinese will do over the next 40-. 50 years, the conversion of almost 100 percent of their electricity generation by nuclear " currently, China is generating less than three percent of their electricity from nuclear energy. wer generates over 16 per cent of world electricity ', almost 24 per cent of OECD and 34 per cent of the needs of European Union ' of electricity. In an April 2005 speech to the National Conference on small business in Washington, President Bush announced, " L ' nuclear energy today provides about 20 percent of American electricity ', without the ' air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. The ' nuclear power is one of the safest, cleanest sources of power in the world, and we need more of here in America ".

Electricity demand is expected to impact other raw and not just the price of uranium '. In the annual Energy Outlook of ' Energy Information Agency of 2005, the electricity demand of the United States will lead to an increase in consumption of natural gas. By 2025, the sector of electricity will ' 31 per cent of the total demand of natural gas, as consumption increases from 5.0 trillion cubic feet in 2003-9400000000000 cubic meters in 2025.

The question of China may be higher than expected

Today, 441 nuclear reactors in 31 countries provide more than 16 percent of worldwide electricity '. In 2003, which was 2525 billion kilowatt hours. Eleven countries are building thirty more reactors, especially in China, but also in Russia, Japan and Korea. The International Agency ' ' Atomic Energy has designed at least 60 new plants will be built over the next 15 years. By 2020, l ' nuclear energy's share of electricity production will increase to 17 percent.

" China is the future wild card ", said Miller. " their current uranium demand is lowercase. They have a small nuclear industry. May have three or four thousand megawatts of capacity. Their demand for uranium is about 4 or 5 million pounds at ' year. Meet internally and by their own deposits of uranium. But what they are planning for nuclear energy is probably the most aggressive program in the world. I visited China in 2003 to teach ISL (in-situ leaching) geology of the ' uranium ISL extraction techniques and a couple of institutes. At that time, there was talk of building two new nuclear power plants at ' year for the next 20 years ".

But, as Miller noted, which may have more ambitious plans. Added: " since then, I've heard of the most aggressive programs. An article I read recently was titled, Let 1000 Reactors Bloom. That is more than 200 percent of the nuclear reactors that now we have on Earth. I believe that is what the Chinese will do over the next 40-. 50 years, the conversion of almost 100 percent of their electricity generation by nuclear " currently, China is generating less than three percent of their electricity from nuclear energy. or pollution or greenhouse gas emissions. The ' nuclear power is one of the safest, cleanest sources of power in the world, and we need more of here in America ".

Electricity demand is expected to impact other raw and not just the price of uranium '. In the annual Energy Outlook of ' Energy Information Agency of 2005, the electricity demand of the United States will lead to an increase in consumption of natural gas. By 2025, the sector of electricity will ' 31 per cent of the total demand of natural gas, as consumption increases from 5.0 trillion cubic feet in 2003-9400000000000 cubic meters in 2025.

The question of China may be higher than expected

Today, 441 nuclear reactors in 31 countries provide more than 16 percent of worldwide electricity '. In 2003, which was 2525 billion kilowatt hours. Eleven countries are building thirty more reactors, especially in China, but also in Russia, Japan and Korea. The International Agency ' ' Atomic Energy has designed at least 60 new plants will be built over the next 15 years. By 2020, l ' nuclear energy's share of electricity production will increase to 17 percent.

" China is the future wild card ", said Miller. " their current uranium demand is lowercase. They have a small nuclear industry. May have three or four thousand megawatts of capacity. Their demand for uranium is about 4 or 5 million pounds at ' year. Meet internally and by their own deposits of uranium. But what they are planning for nuclear energy is probably the most aggressive program in the world. I visited China in 2003 to teach ISL (in-situ leaching) geology of the ' uranium ISL extraction techniques and a couple of institutes. At that time, there was talk of building two new nuclear power plants at ' year for the next 20 years ".

But, as Miller noted, which may have more ambitious plans. Added: " since then, I've heard of the most aggressive programs. An article I read recently was titled, Let 1000 Reactors Bloom. That is more than 200 percent of the nuclear reactors that now we have on Earth. I believe that is what the Chinese will do over the next 40-. 50 years, the conversion of almost 100 percent of their electricity generation by nuclear " currently, China is generating less than three percent of their electricity from nuclear energy.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Who guidelines on how to obtain agricultural

WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION guidelines on good agricultural practices (GACP) for medicinal plants (World Health Organization, Geneva) 2003. 20/US $ 18.00; developing countries:, and ' now recognised globally that plants have a very significant role in the health of mankind. The traditional practice of medicine second hand to be a regime where individual founded instead treating of materials collected works are used by traditional doctors to treat patients and herbal medications are administered maintains the desirable caliber.

But the translation of traditional music from such individualized organization to a ' organization commercial message has led to the decrease in the quality of this system of rules. Quality of medicines has become the victim in this transmutation. Beyond the ' 80 percent of the raw material required for traditional medicine pain used to be satisfied from wild sources. C ' lately has been huge increase in demand for industrial plants-medicinal drug, which has light-emitting diode of the depletion of natural resources of plants and declination in caliber of graft-products.

The increasing necessity LED to overexploitation, and l ' unscientific extraction plants which determines the danger of extinction to many plant and the loss of coherence in clutch-to-deal stamp. The ' use of adulterants or spurious material is another problem that complicates lumber standards of traditional plant remedies. It was in this context and background from a WHA 56.31 solving traditional medical specialty, Member States asked the " for the provision of technical support for the development of a methodology for monitoring or ensuring the safety of products, the ' efficiency and tone, the preparation of guidelines, and the promotion of exchange of information ". And ' on this determination, which is in the process of developing a series of technical guidelines to secure character of herbal medicated. This publication is an important step in this direction.

s a traditional plant remedies. It was in this context and background from a WHA 56.31 solving traditional medical specialty, Member States asked the " for the provision of technical support for the development of a methodology for monitoring or ensuring the safety of products, the ' efficiency and tone, the preparation of guidelines, and the promotion of exchange of information ". And ' on this determination, which is in the process of developing a series of technical guidelines to secure character of herbal medicated. This publication is an important step in this direction.

The guidelines simply a complete picture from correct identification/authentication protocol specific and practical package as a source of polishing preand post-harvest management practices. The guidelines also satisfy a complete roadmap for handling real plants like the design, construction and installation of equipment, and emphasize the ' importance of providing a coordinated response Standard operating procedure (STANDING OPERATING PROCEDURE) in a documented source form. In addition, the General instructions for all staff involved in assembling sophistication, collection, preprocessing, archiving and l ' l ' final processing of the materials found on the added value of products supplied. Importance of health, the ' hygiene of people involved in STANDARD operating procedure, sanitation, and processing etc, particularly indicated.